Všetky cheaty do G3
I am having problems testing every thing out as My console stuff just shows various colored BOXES :( Anyway, I know it works because I did the old copy and paste trick: you can type in something into the console (in my case it was just boxes) the OUTSIDE of the game highlight and copy or ctrl+c. Now back into the console you can PASTE it into the console with Ctrl+V just like in windows. I did My best to translate and organize the things here prorperly- this file contains pretty much EVERY console cheat, every item, spell, creature, receipie, plant, et. in the game - there are a few translation things but you can easiliy figure them out :) It took a lot of work to organize everything so it may not be "perfect."
Hope you enjoy,
Important Cheats
Once the console is activated , then now the following keys are to you at the disposal:
Key Meaning
F1 Snapshots provide screen SHOT in the file
F2 between windowed mode and frame
F3 Screen representation/out
F5 QuickSave
F6 Time passes much faster
F7 Slow motion
F8 heal and a reviving after death
F9 Quickload
In addition, you can enter the following Cheats into the console, which must be confirmed with the ENTER key. EVERYTHING is CASE SENSITIVE.
Cheat Effect
god invulnerably
fullhealth Life energy maximize
spawn spawns a creature,monster, or NPC
spawn SH Mr. Help appears, which gives you with all kinds of cheats - But it may only work for German version -possibly
one have to type in "marvin" (without the quotes THEN open the console or something.) He used to be called the Character Helper (CH) in Gothic II.
idkfa Gives 100 points to Every SKILL (but does not activate it for you) and 100 of practically every item in the game- (could mess up quests but WOW)
teach teaches you specific thing - see the list
teach all teaches everything, but sets your stats to 0
give gives you a particular thing in front of you (see list)
INSERT gives you a particular thing and places it in your inventory (see lists)
Weapons list
First likes further above described the console activate. There one can let appear with the following instructions articles (spawn) and/or in the inventory to place (INSERTs) as well as learn (teach). The correct instructions read:
Command Meaning
spawn xyz Article xyz to appear leave (see list)
INSERT xyz Article xyz in the inventory place (see list)
teach xyz Ability xyz learn (see list)
Command Meaning
It_1H_AncestorSword_01 Sword of the ancestors
It_1H_AssDagger_01 Assassinenmesser
It_1H_AssSword_01 Assassinenschwert
It_1H_BarbarianSword_01 Barbarian sword
It_1H_Bastardsword_01 Hybrid sword
It_1H_Broadsword_01 Broad sword
It_1H_Club_01 Club
It_1H_Crescent_01 Mondsichel
It_1H_ElBastardo_01 El Bastardo
It_1H_Epee_01 Sword
It_1H_FlameSword_01 Flame sword
It_1H_GreatSword_01 Large sword
It_1H_Iceblade_01 Ice blade
It_1H_Ingvar_Sword North march value
It_1H_Inquisitor_01 Inquisitor
It_1H_Katana_01 Katana
It_1H_Longsword_01 Long sword
It_1H_MasterSword_01 Master sword
It_1H_MiloksFirst_Sword_01 Krush Milok
It_1H_Moonblade_01 Moon blade
It_1H_OrcSlayer_01 Orkschlächter
It_1H_PaladinSword_01 Paladinschwert
It_1H_Rubyblade_01 Ruby blade
It_1H_Runesword_01 Rune sword
It_1H_Scimitar_01 Bent sword
It_1H_Sword_01 Sword
It_1H_Sword_01_OLD Barbarian sword
It_1H_Sword_02 Sword
It_1H_Sword_Broad_01 Broad sword
It_1H_Sword_Long_01 Long sword
It_1H_Sword_Long_02 Long sword
It_1H_Sword_Rhobar_01 King sword
It_1H_Sword_Rust_01 Rusty sword
It_1H_Wenzel_Sword_01 Wenzels sword
It_2H_AncestorMight_01 Power of the ancestors
It_2H_Axe_01 Controversy axe
It_2H_Axe_Double_01 Controversy axe
It_2H_Axe_Double_02 Doppelaxt
It_2H_Axe_Lumberjack Holzfälleraxt
It_2H_Axe_Normal_01 Axe
It_2H_Axe_Rust_01 Rusty controversy axe
It_2H_Bak-Arash_Staff Schamanenstab
It_2H_BarbarianAxe_01 Barbarian controversy axe
It_2H_Bardiche_01 Beard axe
It_2H_BerserkerAxe_01 Berserker axe
It_2H_DemonSword_01 Demon Sword
It_2H_Executioner_01 Arranging sword
It_2H_GreatInquisitor_01 Grossinquisitor
It_2H_Halberd Hellebarde
It_2H_Halberd_01 Hellebarde
It_2H_HeavyClub_01 Heavy branch
It_2H_InnosWrath_01 Innos anger
It_2H_NailedClub_01 Nail club
It_2H_OgreMorningStar_01 Oger Morgenstern
It_2H_OrcAxe_01 Krush Pach
It_2H_OrcHalberd_01 Krush Tarach
It_2H_OrcSword_01 Krush Varok
It_2H_OrcWaraxe_01 Krush Agash
It_2H_OrderSword_01 Medal sword
It_2H_SpikedClub_01 Prick club
It_2H_Sword_01 Zweihänder
It_2H_Sword_Bastard_01 Hybrid sword
It_2H_Sword_Old Rusty Zweihänder
It_2H_Sword_Ore_01 Ore Zweihänder
It_2H_Sword_Rust_01 Rusty Zweihänder
It_2H_Waraxe_01 Battle hatchet
It_2H_Warhammer_01 War hammer
It_Axe_01 Controversy axe
It_Axe_BarbarianAxe_01 Barbarian controversy axe
It_Axe_Bardiche_01 Beard axe
It_Axe_BattleAxe_01 Controversy axe
It_Axe_BerserkerAxe_01 Berserker axe
It_Axe_BerserkerRageAxe_01 Berserkerzorn
It_Axe_HeavyClub_01 Heavy branch
It_Axe_NailedClub_01 Nail club
It_Axe_OgreMorningStar_ 01 Oger Morgenstern
It_Axe_OrcSword_01 Krush Varok
It_Axe_OrcSword_02 Krush Morok
It_Axe_OrcWaraxe_01 Krush Agash
It_Axe_Orc_01 Krush Pach
It_Axe_Rust_01 Rusty controversy axe
It_Axe_SpikedClub_01 Prick club
It_Axe_Waraxe_01 Battle hatchet
It_Axe_Warhammer_01 War hammer
It_BattleAxe_01 Controversy axe
It_Bow_01 bow
It_Bow_Army Army bow
It_Bow_Ass Assassinens Bow
It_Bow_Bone Bone bow
It_Bow_Composite Composite bow
It_Bow_Deathbringer Todbringer
It_Bow_Demon Demon Bow
It_Bow_Dragon Kite bow
It_Bow_Fight Combat bow
It_Bow_Horn Horn bow
It_Bow_Hunting Hunting bow
It_Bow_Long Long bow
It_Bow_Nimroder Nimroder
It_Bow_Oak Oak bow
It_Bow_OrcRipper Orkreisser
It_Bow_Ork Ork bow
It_Bow_Ranger Forest runner bow
It_Bow_Rune Rune bow
It_Bow_SilentDeath Quiet death
It_Bow_War War bow
It_Bow_WolfRipper Wolf bow
It_Crossbow_01 crossbow
It_Crossbow_BloodHarvest Blood harvest
It_Crossbow_Bounty Head hunter crossbow
It_Crossbow_Heavy Heavy crossbow
It_Crossbow_KrashMorra Krash Morra
It_Crossbow_Merc Mercenary crossbow
It_Crossbow_Nrd Nordmar crossbow
It_Crossbow_Orc Ork crossbow
It_Crossbow_Rhino Rhino crossbow
It_Crossbow_SlaveKiller Slave death
It_Crossbow_War War crossbow
It_Halberd_01 Hellebarde
It_Halberd_Orc_01 Krush Tarach
It_Irmak_2H_Halberd Krush Irmak
It_Staff Staff of the Eternal Wonderer
It_Staff_BladeStaff_01 Blade staff
It_Staff_Darkmage_01 Staff of darkness
It_Staff_Darkmage_02 Staff of Schwarzmagiers
It_Staff_Darkmage_03 Staff of death
It_Staff_Dominion_01 Staff of fire protection
It_Staff_Druid_01 Staff of nature
It_Staff_Fire Staff heat wave
It_Staff_Firemage_01 Staff of fire
It_Staff_Firemage_02 Staff of the FireMages
It_Staff_Firemage_03 Staff of the rule
It_Staff_FireProt_01 Staff of fire protection
It_Staff_Fire_01 Staff of the rule
It_Staff_Healing_01 Staff of the healing
It_Staff_Ice Staff frost wave
It_Staff_IceProt_01 Staff of the ice protection
It_Staff_JudgementStaff_01 Arranging staff
It_Staff_Lightning Staff shock wave
It_Staff_Magic Staff of the magic
It_Staff_MagicProt_01 Staff of the energy protection
It_Staff_Mana_01 Staff of the Zauberei
It_Staff_Mana_02 Staff of the magic
It_Staff_Mana_03 Staff of power
It_Staff_OrcShaman_01 Schamanenstab
It_Staff_Power Staff of power
It_Staff_Prot_01 Staff of the defense
It_Staff_Prot_02 Staff of the protection
It_Staff_Prot_03 Staff of invulnerability
It_Staff_Quarterstaff_01 Combat staff
It_Staff_Scythe_01 Scythe
It_Staff_Sorcery Staff of the Zauberei
It_Staff_Spear_01 Spear
It_Staff_Watermage_01 Staff of the water
It_Staff_Watermage_02 Staff of the WaterMages
It_Staff_Watermage_03 Staff of reconciliation
Arrow Arrow
BluntArrow Head nut-(Knockout Arrow?)
Bolt Pin
Bolt_Sharp Blade pin
ExplosiveArrow Blowing up arrow
FireArrow Fire arrow
Fist Fist
Mike_Arrow Arrow
Mike_Axe Axe
Mike_Bolt Pin
Mike_Bow bow
Mike_Crossbow crossbow
Mike_Staff Helebarde
Mike_Sword Sword
TrollFist Trollfaust
PoisonArrow Poison arrow
Armor list
First like further above described the console activate. There one can let appear with the following instructions articles (spawn) and/or in the inventory to place (INSERTs) as well as Föhigkeiten erlenen (teach). The correct instructions read:
Command Meaning
spawn xyz Article xyz to appear leave (see list)
INSERT xyz Article xyz in the inventory place (see list)
teach xyz Ability xyz learn (see list)
Command Meaning
sMage Elite Assassinenrüstung
Body_AssNovice Easy Assassinenrüstung
Body_AssWarrior Assassinenrüstung
Body_Babe_Myrtana_Peasant -
Body_Babe_Myrtana_Peasant_02 -
Body_Babe_Myrtana_Slave -
Body_Babe_Nrd_Peasant -
Body_Babe_Varant_Dance -
Body_Babe_Varant_Peasant -
Body_Babe_Varant_Slave -
Body_Druid Druidenrobe
Body_Firemage Fire robe
Body_Firemage_Dirty Fire robe
Body_Ghost -
Body_King Rhobars armament
Body_KingGuard Splendor armament
Body_Leather Leather gap
Body_MercElite Heavy Orksöldner armament
Body_MercNovice Easy Orksöldner armament
Body_MercNovice_02 Easy Orksöldner armament
Body_Merc_Orcish Orkrüstung
Body_Mercenary Orksöldner armament
Body_Mercenary_02 Orksöldner armament
Body_Nom_Elite_Outlaw Heavy Nomadenkleidung
Body_Nom_Novice_Outlaw Easy Nomadenkleidung
Body_Nom_Warrior_Outlaw Nomadenkleidung
Body_Nomad Nomadenkleidung
Body_NomadNovice Easy Nomadenkleidung
Body_NomadWarrior Heavy Nomadenkleidung
Body_NrdElite Heavy Nordmar armament
Body_NrdScout Easy Nordmar armament
Body_NrdWarrior Nordmar armament
Body_Nrd_Ancient -
Body_Out_Elite Bandit armament
Body_Out_Novice Bandit armament
Body_Out_Novice_02 Bandit armament
Body_Out_Warrior Bandit armament
Body_Out_Warrior_02 Bandit armament
Body_Paladin Paladin armament
Body_PaladinWounded -
Body_PaladinWounded_02 -
Body_PaladinWounded_03 -
Body_Paladin_02 Paladin armament
Body_Paladin_03 Paladin armament
Body_Peasant Farmer clothes
Body_Peasant_02 Farmer clothes
Body_Player Clothes
Body_Ranger Forest runner clothes
Body_RebBandit Easy rebel armament
Body_RebBandit_02 Easy rebel armament
Body_RebElite Heavy rebel armament
Body_RebWarrior Rebel armament
Body_RebWarrior_02 Rebel armament
Body_Slave Rag
Body_Watermage Water robe
Body_Xardas Blackmagierrobe
Body_Zuben Zubens armament
Fat_Body_AssTrader Clothes
Fat_Body_AssTrader_02 -
Fat_Body_Cook -
Fat_Body_NrdElite -
Fat_Body_Slave -
Fat_Body_Smith -
It_Armor_Ass_H Elite Assassinenrüstung
It_Armor_Ass_L Easy Assassinenrüstung
It_Armor_Ass_M Assassinenrüstung
It_Armor_Druid Druidenrobe
It_Armor_KDF Fire robe
It_Armor_KDW Water robe
It_Armor_Leather Leather gap
It_Armor_Merc_H Heavy Orksöldner armament
It_Armor_Merc_L Light Orksöldner armament
It_Armor_Merc_M Orksöldner armament
It_Armor_Nom_H Heavy Nomadenkleidung
It_Armor_Nom_L Easy Nomadenkleidung
It_Armor_Nom_M Nomadenkleidung
It_Armor_Nrd_H Heavy Nordmar armament
It_Armor_Nrd_L Easy Nordmar armament
It_Armor_Nrd_M Nordmar armament
It_Armor_Paladin Paladin Armor
It_Armor_Peasant Farmer clothes
It_Armor_Ranger Forest runner clothes
It_Armor_Reb_H Heavy rebel armament
It_Armor_Reb_L Light/Easy rebel armament
It_Armor_Reb_M Rebel armament
It_Armor_Rhobar Rhobars armament
It_Armor_RoyalGuard Splendor armament
It_Armor_Xardas Blackmagierrobe
It_Armor_Zuben Zubens armament
It_Helmet_Crown_01 The crown of Myrtana
It_Helmet_Guard_01 Guard helmet
It_Helmet_HeavyTurban_01 Magnificent Turban
It_Helmet_Horn_01 Horn helmet
It_Helmet_Leather_01 Leather helmet
It_Helmet_Leather_02 Leather helmet
It_Helmet_LightHorn_01 More easily horn helmet
It_Helmet_LightLeather_01 More easily leather helmet
It_Helmet_LightMerc_01 More easily mercenary helmet
It_Helmet_Merc_01 Mercenary helmet
It_Helmet_Turban_01 Turban
Shield list
First like further above described the console activate. There one can let appear with the following instructions articles (spawn) and/or in the inventory to place (INSERTs) as well as Föhigkeiten erlenen (teach). The correct instructions read:
Command Meaning
spawn xyz Article xyz to appear leave (see list)
INSERT xyz Article xyz in the inventory place (see list)
teach xyz Ability xyz learn (see list)
Command Meaning
It_Shield_Knight_01 Knight sign
It_Shield_Leather_01 Leather sign
It_Shield_Paladin_01 Paladinschild
It_Shield_Rhobar_01 Königsschiild
It_Shield_Round_01 Rundschild
It_Shield_Rune_01 Rune sign
It_Shield_Skull_01 Head sign
It_Shield_Tower_01 Sign
It_Shield_Wood_01 Wood sign
It_Shield_Wood_02 Wood sign
It_Shield_Wood_03 Wood sign
It_Shield_Wood_04 Wood sign
It_Shield_Wood_05 Wood sign
It_Shield_Wood_06 Wood sign
It_Shield_Wood_07 Wood sign
Mike_Shield Sign
Amulet list
First like further above described the console activate. There one can let appear with the following instructions articles (spawn) and/or in the inventory to place (INSERTs) as well as Föhigkeiten erlenen (teach). The correct instructions read:
Command Meaning
spawn xyz Article xyz to appear leave (see list)
INSERT xyz Article xyz in the inventory place (see list)
teach xyz Ability xyz learn (see list)
Command Meaning
It_Am_Assassin_01 Amulett of the Assassinen
It_Am_DEX_01 Amulett of the hunter
It_Am_Druid_01 Amulett of the Druiden
It_Am_HP_01 Amulett of the vitality
It_Am_Hunter_01 Amulett of the hunter
It_Am_Jaeger_02 Amulett of the concentration
It_Am_Jaeger_03 Amulett of the hunter
It_Am_Krieger_01 Amulett Kraft
It_Am_Krieger_02 Amulett of the honour
It_Am_Krieger_03 Amulett of the Warriors/Soldiers
It_Am_Mage_01 Magieramulett
It_Am_Magier_01 Amulett of the knowledge
It_Am_Magier_02 Amulett of the Zauberei
It_Am_Magier_03 Amulett of the Magiers
It_Am_MP_01 Amulett of the magic
It_Am_Paladin_01 Amulett of the Paladins
It_Am_Priester_01 Amulett of the faith
It_Am_Priester_02 Amulett that became
It_Am_Priester_03 Amulett of the priest
It_Am_Prot_Edge_01 Amulett of the defense
It_Am_Prot_Edge_02 Amulett of the masterful protection
It_Am_Prot_Edge_03 Harnischamulett
It_Am_Prot_Edge_04 Amulett of the iron skin
It_Am_Prot_Fire_01 Amulett of the fire protection
It_Am_Prot_Ice_01 Amulett of the ice protection
It_Am_Prot_Lightning_01 Amulett of the energy defense
It_Am_Prot_Missile_01 Amulett of the projectile defense
It_Am_SP_01 Amulett of the perseverance
It_Am_STR_01 Amulett of the strength
It_Am_Thief_01 Diebesamulett
It_Am_Warrior_01 Amulett of the Kriegers
It_Artefact_Amulet Amulett of the Göttlichkeit
It_Ramon_Amulet Ramons Amulett
Receipe list
First like further above described the console activate. There one can let appear with the following instructions articles (spawn) and/or in the inventory to place (INSERTs) as well as Föhigkeiten erlenen (teach). The correct instructions read:
Command Meaning
spawn xyz Article xyz to appear leave (see list)
INSERT xyz Article xyz in the inventory place (see list)
teach xyz Ability xyz learn (see list)
Recepies for Blacksmiths&Alchemists:
Command Meaning
It_Recipe_2Handed Zweihänder
It_Recipe_2HandedOre Ore Zweihänder
It_Recipe_Alligator Crocodile
It_Recipe_AncestorMight Power of the ancestors
It_Recipe_AncestorSword Sword of the ancestors
It_Recipe_Bastardsword Hybrid sword
It_Recipe_Bison Bison
It_Recipe_Bloodfly Blood fly
It_Recipe_BluntArrow Prescription head nut
It_Recipe_Boar Wild pig
It_Recipe_Booze_1 Liquor
It_Recipe_Booze_2 Liquor
It_Recipe_Booze_3 Booze
It_Recipe_Booze_Nrd Nordmarer nebula spirit
It_Recipe_Broadsword Broad sword
It_Recipe_CureDisease Weakness heal
It_Recipe_CurePoison Gegengift
It_Recipe_Deadly Deadly poison
It_Recipe_DEX Drink of the hunt
It_Recipe_ElBastardo El Bastardo
It_Recipe_ExplosiveArrow Prescription blowing up arrow
It_Recipe_FireArrow Prescription fire arrow
It_Recipe_Firewaran Feuerwaran
It_Recipe_Fire_1 Liquid fire
It_Recipe_Fire_2 Liquid fire
It_Recipe_Health_1 Heal-climb from healing plants
It_Recipe_Health_2 Heal-climb from sun herb
It_Recipe_Health_3 Heal-climb from welfare roots
It_Recipe_Health_4 Heal-climb from forest berries
It_Recipe_HPMax Drink of the vitality
It_Recipe_Lion Lion
It_Recipe_Longsword Long sword
It_Recipe_Lurker Lurker
It_Recipe_Mana_1 Manatrank from Manapflanzen
It_Recipe_Mana_2 Manatrank from Feuernesseln
It_Recipe_Mana_3 Manatrank from charm roots
It_Recipe_Mana_4 Manatrank from Morgentau
It_Recipe_MasterSword Master sword
It_Recipe_MC Minecrawler
It_Recipe_Meatbug Meat bug
It_Recipe_Meatbugragout Fleischwanzenragout
It_Recipe_MPMax Drink of the concentration
It_Recipe_NrdSword North march value Sword
It_Recipe_PoisonArrow Prescription poison arrow
It_Recipe_Poison_1 The poison is won from a Giftblase.
It_Recipe_Poison_2 The poison is won from Waranzungen
It_Recipe_Poison_3 Poison from the pricks of the blood fly
It_Recipe_Rhino Nashorn
It_Recipe_Rubyblade Ruby blade
It_Recipe_Runesword Rune sword
It_Recipe_Sabertooth Sword tooth
It_Recipe_Scavenger Scavenger
It_Recipe_Shadowbeast Shade runner
It_Recipe_Snapper Snapper
It_Recipe_SPMax Drink of the perseverance
It_Recipe_Stamina_1 Persevere-climb
It_Recipe_Stamina_2 Persevere-climb
It_Recipe_Stew Pot
It_Recipe_Stollengrollen Stoll close roles
It_Recipe_STR Drink of the strength
It_Recipe_SwampLurker Sump lurker
It_Recipe_Waran Waran
It_Recipe_Wolf Wolf
List of the abilities/perks/SKILLS
First like further above described the console activate. There one can let appear with the following instructions articles (spawn) and/or in the inventory to place (INSERTs) as well as Föhigkeiten erlenen (teach). The correct instructions read:
Command Meaning
spawn xyz Article xyz to appear leave (see list)
INSERT xyz Article xyz in the inventory place (see list)
teach xyz Ability xyz learn (see list)
Command Meaning
It_Perk_1H1H_1 Fight with two blade
It_Perk_1H1H_2 Master of the two blade
It_Perk_1H_1 Sword fighter
It_Perk_1H_2 Strong sword fighter
It_Perk_1H_3 Sword master
It_Perk_Acrobatic Akrobatik
It_Perk_Assassin Meucheln
It_Perk_Axe_1 Large weapons
It_Perk_Axe_2 Large weapons II
It_Perk_Axe_3 Large weapons III
It_Perk_Barter Feil
It_Perk_Bow_1 Elbow
It_Perk_Bow_2 Elbow contactor
It_Perk_Bow_3 Master contactor
It_Perk_Crossbow_1 Heavy arm chest
It_Perk_Crossbow_2 Arm chest contactor
It_Perk_Crossbow_3 Master contactor
It_Perk_Darkmage Schwarzmagier
It_Perk_DeadlyArrow Deadly arrows manufacture
It_Perk_Druid Druide
It_Perk_Excuse Rausreden
It_Perk_ExplosiveArrow Explosion arrows manufacture
It_Perk_FireArrow Fire arrows manufacture
It_Perk_Firemage Feuermagier
It_Perk_HeavyArmor Arms improve
It_Perk_Hunter_1 Game hunter
It_Perk_Hunter_2 Large game hunter
It_Perk_ImmuneToDisease Weakness resistance
It_Perk_ImmuneToPoison Poison resistance
It_Perk_JumpAttack -
It_Perk_KnockOut Strike down
It_Perk_Learn Fast learning
It_Perk_LightArmor Robes improve
It_Perk_LockPick_1 Simple locks crack
It_Perk_LockPick_2 Heavy locks crack
It_Perk_LockPick_3 Impossible locks crack
It_Perk_MasterGladiator Regeneration
It_Perk_MasterMage One acre generation
It_Perk_MasterThief Master thief
It_Perk_Mining Schürfer
It_Perk_OrcHunter Orkjäger
It_Perk_OrcSlayer Orktöter
It_Perk_Orcslayer Orktöter
It_Perk_Paladin Paladin
It_Perk_PickPocket_1 Simple pick-pocketing
It_Perk_PickPocket_2 Heavy pick-pocketing
It_Perk_PickPocket_3 Impossible pick-pocketing
It_Perk_PoisonArrow Poison arrows manufacture
It_Perk_PoisonBlade Blade poison
It_Perk_PotionDangerous Dangerous watering places
It_Perk_PotionHP Welfare watering places brew
It_Perk_PotionMP Manatränke brew
It_Perk_PotionPerm Watering place with permanent effect
It_Perk_PotionPoison Poison manufacture
It_Perk_PotionTransform Conversion watering places brew
It_Perk_ResistCold Resistance against cold weather
It_Perk_ResistHeat Resistance against heat
It_Perk_SharpenBlade Blade sharpen
It_Perk_Shield_1 Sign parade
It_Perk_Shield_2 Strong sign parade
It_Perk_Smith_1 Forge
It_Perk_Smith_2 Ore weapons schmieden
It_Perk_Smith_3 Weapons from pure ore schmieden
It_Perk_Sneak_1 Creep
It_Perk_Sneak_2 Sound-loose hunter
It_Perk_Sprinter Perseverance of the wolf
It_Perk_StaffMagic Magic staffs
It_Perk_StaffParade Magic staffs
It_Perk_Staff_1 Staff fight
It_Perk_Staff_2 Staff fight II
It_Perk_Staff_3 Staff fight III
It_Perk_TrophyFur Animal skins take
It_Perk_TrophySkin Reptile skins take
It_Perk_TrophyTeeth Teeth, claws and horns
It_Perk_Watermage Wassermagier
Plant list:
First like further above described the console activate. There one can let appear with the following instructions articles (spawn) and/or in the inventory to place (INSERTs) as well as learn (teach). The correct instructions read:
Command Meaning
spawn xyz Article xyz to appear leave (see list)
INSERT xyz Article xyz in the inventory place (see list)
teach xyz Ability xyz learn (see list)
Command Meaning
It_Plant_Alligator Blutschilf
It_Plant_Booze Liquor berry
It_Plant_Booze_Snow Liquor berry
It_Plant_Cactus Kaktusblüte
It_Plant_DemonMush Dämonenpilz
It_Plant_DemonMush_Snow Dämonenpilz
It_Plant_DEX Goblinbeere
It_Plant_DEX_Snow Goblinbeere
It_Plant_DruidStone Stone root
It_Plant_Health Welfare plant
It_Plant_HealthPerm Kings Sorrel herb
It_Plant_HealthPerm_Snow Kings Sorrel herb
It_Plant_Health_02 Sun herb
It_Plant_Health_02_Snow Sun herb
It_Plant_Health_03 Welfare root
It_Plant_Health_03_Snow Welfare root
It_Plant_Health_04 Forest berry
It_Plant_Health_04_Snow Forest berry
It_Plant_Health_Snow Welfare plant
It_Plant_Lion King thistle
It_Plant_Mana Manapflanze
It_Plant_ManaPerm Flame berry
It_Plant_ManaPerm_Snow Flame berry
It_Plant_Mana_02 Feuernessel
It_Plant_Mana_02_Snow Feuernessel
It_Plant_Mana_03 Charm root
It_Plant_Mana_03_Snow Charm root
It_Plant_Mana_04 Morgentau
It_Plant_Mana_04_Snow Morgentau
It_Plant_Mana_Snow Manapflanze
It_Plant_Perm_01 Kronstöckel
It_Plant_Perm_01_Snow Kronstöckel
It_Plant_ShapeMush Strange mushroom
It_Plant_ShapeMush_Snow Strange mushroom
It_Plant_Snapper Snapperroot
It_Plant_Stamina Ogerblatt
It_Plant_Stamina_01 Ogerblatt
It_Plant_Stamina_01_Snow Ogerblatt
It_Plant_Stamina_02 Iron stem
It_Plant_Stamina_02_Snow I ron stem
It_Plant_STAPerm Harnischkraut
It_Plant_STAPerm_Snow Harnischkraut
It_Plant_StoneNettle Felsnessel
It_Plant_StoneNettle_Snow Felsnessel
It_Plant_STR Kite root
It_Plant_STR_Snow Kite root
It_Plant_SwampWeed Sump herb
It_Plant_ToadMush Krötenwurz
It_Plant_ToadMush_Snow Krötenwurz
It_Plant_Trelott Staudenlobelie
It_Plant_Wolf Wolf herb
It_Plant_Wolf_Snow Wolf herb
Magic list
First like further above described the console activate. There one can let appear with the following instructions articles (spawn) and/or in the inventory to place (INSERTs) as well as learn (teach). The correct instructions read- With the scrolls you can spawn or INSERT but you can teach command on the SPELLS :
Command Meaning
spawn xyz Article xyz to appear leave (see list)
INSERT xyz Article xyz in the inventory place (see list)
teach xyz Ability xyz learn (see list)
Command Meaning
It_DruidStone_Lion Druidenstein of the lion
It_DruidStone_Lurker Druidenstein lurker
It_DruidStone_Ripper Druidenstein of the Rippers
It_DruidStone_Ripper_Broken Destroyed Druidenstein
It_DruidStone_Shadowbeast Druidenstein of the shade runner
It_DruidStone_Snapper Druidenstein of the Snappers
It_DruidStone_Waran Druidenstein be to
It_DruidStone_Wolf Druidenstein of the wolf
It_Scroll_ALC_01 Alchemie I
It_Scroll_AnimalForm Animal shape
It_Scroll_ArmyOfDarkness Army of the darkness
It_Scroll_BanishVermin Drive out
It_Scroll_BlessWeapon Weapon benediction
It_Scroll_Bloodlust Blood intoxication
It_Scroll_CallAnimals Animals call
It_Scroll_Charm Forgotten
It_Scroll_CureDisease Strengths
It_Scroll_CurePoison Poisoning heal
It_Scroll_DestroyEvil Bad destroy
It_Scroll_Disease Weaknesses
It_Scroll_DuskToDawn Night to day
It_Scroll_Fear Fright
It_Scroll_Fireball Fire ball
It_Scroll_Firerain Fire rain
It_Scroll_Flamesword Flame sword call
It_Scroll_FrostWave Ice wave
It_Scroll_Hailstorm Hail tower
It_Scroll_Heal Heal
It_Scroll_Healing Healing
It_Scroll_HealOther Remote healing
It_Scroll_HeatWave Flame wave
It_Scroll_Icelance Ice lance
It_Scroll_INT_01 Old scroll
It_Scroll_Light Light
It_Scroll_Lightningbolt Thunderbolt
It_Scroll_Meteor Meteor
It_Scroll_Mist Fog
It_Scroll_OpenLocks Locks open
It_Scroll_Poison Poison
It_Scroll_Refresh -
It_Scroll_Resurrect -
It_Scroll_ShockWave Energy field
It_Scroll_Sleep Sleep
It_Scroll_SoulTravel Soul migration
It_Scroll_SpiritLink Spirit contact
It_Scroll_SummonDemon Dämon swore to
It_Scroll_SummonGoblin Goblin swore to
It_Scroll_SummonGolem GOLEM swore to
It_Scroll_SummonImp Skeleton swore to
It_Scroll_SummonLightning Lightning swore to
It_Scroll_SummonSkeleton Skeleton swore to
It_Scroll_TameAnimal Animal zähmen
It_Scroll_Telekinesis Telekinese
It_Scroll_TimeBubble Time blister
It_Scroll_WordOfControl Word of the rule
It_Spell_AnimalForm Animal shape
It_Spell_ArmyOfDarkness Army of the darkness
It_Spell_BanishVermin Drive out
It_Spell_BlessWeapon Weapon benediction
It_Spell_Bloodlust Blood intoxication
It_Spell_CallAnimals Animals call
It_Spell_Charm Forgotten
It_Spell_CureDisease Strengths
It_Spell_CurePoison Poisoning heal
It_Spell_DestroyEvil Bad destroy
It_Spell_Disease Weaknesses
It_Spell_DuskToDawn Night to day
It_Spell_Fear Fright
It_Spell_Fireball Fire ball
It_Spell_Firerain Fire rain
It_Spell_Flamesword Flame sword call
It_Spell_FrostWave Ice wave
It_Spell_Hailstorm Hail tower
It_Spell_Heal Heal
It_Spell_Healing Healing
It_Spell_HealOther Remote healing
It_Spell_HeatWave Flame wave
It_Spell_IceBomb Ice explosion
It_Spell_Icelance Ice lance
It_Spell_Light Light
It_Spell_Lightningbolt Thunderbolt
It_Spell_Meteor Meteor
It_Spell_Mist Fog
It_Spell_OpenLocks Locks open
It_Spell_Poison Poison
It_Spell_Refresh Erfri
It_Spell_Resurrect Revival
It_Spell_ShockWave Shock wave
It_Spell_Sleep Sleep
It_Spell_SoulTravel Soul migration
It_Spell_SpiritLink Spirit contact
It_Spell_SummonDemon Dämon swore to
It_Spell_SummonGoblin Goblin swore to
It_Spell_SummonGolem GOLEM swore to
It_Spell_SummonImp Skeleton swore to
It_Spell_SummonLightning Lightning swore to
It_Spell_SummonSkeleton Skeleton swore to
It_Spell_TameAnimal Zähmen
It_Spell_Telekinesis Telekinese
It_Spell_TimeBubble Time blister
It_Spell_WordOfControl Word of the rule
Ring list
First like further above described the console activate. There one can let appear with the following instructions articles (spawn) and/or in the inventory to place (INSERTs) as well as learn (teach). The correct instructions read:
Command Meaning
spawn xyz Article xyz to appear leave (see list)
INSERT xyz Article xyz in the inventory place (see list)
teach xyz Ability xyz learn (see list)
Command Meaning
It_Am_Jaeger_01 Ring of the perseverance
It_Artefact_Ring_01 Adanos' ring
It_Artefact_Ring_02 Adanos' ring
It_Artefact_Ring_Geldern Old Alchemistenring
It_Ring_DEX_01 Ring of the hunt
It_Ring_HP_01 Ring health
It_Ring_Missile_01 Ring of the arrow defense
It_Ring_MP_01 Ring of the magic
It_Ring_Prot_Combat_01 Protection ring of the fight
It_Ring_Prot_Edge_01 Weapon protection ring
It_Ring_Prot_Edge_02 Ring of the defense
It_Ring_Prot_Fire_01 Fire protection ring
It_Ring_Prot_Ice_01 Ice protection ring
It_Ring_Prot_LIGHTNING_01 Ring of the energy defense
It_Ring_Prot_Lightning_01 Ring of the energy defense
It_Ring_Prot_Magic_01 Protection ring of the magic
It_Ring_Prot_Missile_01 Ring of the arrow defense
It_Ring_SP_01 Ring of the perseverance
It_Ring_STR_01 Strength ring
It_Ri_Jaeger_01 Ring of the hunters 1
It_Ri_Jaeger_02 Ring of the hunters 2
It_Ri_Jaeger_03 Ring of the hunters 3
It_Ri_Krieger_01 Ring of the Warrior 1
It_Ri_Krieger_02 Ring of the Warrior 2
It_Ri_Krieger_03 Ring of the Warrior 3
It_Ri_Magier_01 Ring of the Magier 1
It_Ri_Magier_02 Ring of the Magier 2
It_Ri_Magier_03 Ring of the Magier 3
It_Ri_Priester_01 Ring of the priests 1
It_Ri_Priester_02 Ring of the priests 2
It_Ri_Priester_03 Ring of the priests 3
List of the Teleportstones
First like further above described the console activate. There one can let appear with the following instructions articles (spawn) and/or in the inventory to place (INSERTs) as well as learn (teach). The correct instructions read:
Command Meaning
spawn xyz Article xyz to appear leave (see list)
INSERT xyz Article xyz in the inventory place (see list)
teach xyz Ability xyz learn (see list)
Command Meaning
It_Teleport_Ardea Teleport after Ardea
It_Teleport_Bakaresh Teleport after Bakaresh
It_Teleport_Beliar Teleport to the large Beliartempel in Bakaresh
It_Teleport_BenErai Teleport after Ben Erai
It_Teleport_BenSala Teleport after Ben Sala
It_Teleport_Braga Teleport after Braga
It_Teleport_Faring Teleport after Faring
It_Teleport_FireClan Teleport to the fire clan
It_Teleport_Geldern Teleport after funds
It_Teleport_Gotha Teleport after Gotha
It_Teleport_Hammerclan Teleport to the hammer clan
It_Teleport_Innos Teleport to the Innosschrein in the monastery
It_Teleport_Ishtar Teleport after Ishtar
It_Teleport_KapDun Teleport after cape Dun
It_Teleport_King Teleport directly to the throne hall of king Rhobar II.
It_Teleport_Lago Teleport after Lago
It_Teleport_LeaveVangard ?
It_Teleport_Monastery Teleport to the monastery
It_Teleport_Montera Teleport after Montera
It_Teleport_MoraSul Teleport after Mora Sul
It_Teleport_Nemora Teleport after Nemora
It_Teleport_Okara Teleport after Okara
It_Teleport_Reddock Teleport after talking dock
It_Teleport_Silden Teleport after Silden
It_Teleport_Trelis Teleport after Trelis
It_Teleport_VangardTempel Teleport to the temple of Vengard
It_Teleport_Wolfclan Teleport to the wolf clan
It_Teleport_Xardas Teleport to Xardas tower
It_Teleport_Zuben Teleport directly in Zubens palace
List of Potions
First like further above described the console activate. There one can let appear with the following instructions articles (spawn) and/or in the inventory to place (INSERTs) as well as Föhigkeiten erlenen (teach). The correct instructions read:
Command Meaning
spawn xyz Article xyz to appear leave (see list)
INSERT xyz Article xyz in the inventory place (see list)
teach xyz Ability xyz learn (see list)
Command Meaning
It_Potion Bottle
It_Potion_Alligator Conversion crocodile
It_Potion_Bison Conversion Bison
It_Potion_Bloodfly Conversion blood fly
It_Potion_Boar Conversion Keiler
It_Potion_CureDisease Healing weakness
It_Potion_CurePoison Cure Poison
It_Potion_Deadly Deadly poison
It_Potion_DEX Drink of the hunt
It_Potion_Empty Fläschchen
It_Potion_Fire Liquid fire
It_Potion_Firewaran Conversion drink
It_Potion_Health Restore Health
It_Potion_HPMax Drink of the vitality
It_Potion_Lion Conversion lion
It_Potion_Lurker Conversion lurker
It_Potion_Mana Manatrank (Restore mana?)
It_Potion_MC Conversion Minecrawler
It_Potion_Meatbug Conversion meat bug
It_Potion_MPMax Drink of the concentration
It_Potion_Poison Poison
It_Potion_Rhino Conversion Nashorn
It_Potion_Sabertooth Conversion sword tooth
It_Potion_Scavenger Conversion Scavenger
It_Potion_Shadowbeast Conversion shade runner
It_Potion_Snapper Conversion Snapper
It_Potion_SPMax Drink of the perseverance
It_Potion_Stamina Restore Stamina
It_Potion_STR Drink of the strength
It_Potion_SwampLurker Conversion sump lurker
It_Potion_Swamplurker Conversion sump lurker
It_Potion_Waran Conversion Waran
It_Potion_Wolf Conversion wolf
Other Objects&Misc Objects List
First like further above described the console activate. There one can let appear with the following instructions articles (spawn) and/or in the inventory to place (INSERTs) as well as Föhigkeiten erlenen (teach). The correct instructions read:
Command Meaning
spawn xyz Article xyz to appear leave (see list)
INSERT xyz Article xyz in the inventory place (see list)
teach xyz Ability xyz learn (see list)
Other Objects&Misc Objects:
Command Meaning
It_Aldo_Schatulle Old casket
It_Ali_Artefact Ancestor stone
It_AlShedim_Deadkeeper_01 Urn of the dead guards
It_AlShedim_Healer_01 Jug that sound ones.
It_AlShedim_Warrior_01 Figure of the Krieger
It_Amul_Goldsack Amul´s bag
It_Ancestor_Stone_01 The ancestor stone of Akasha
It_Ancestor_Stone_03 The ancestor stone of Snorre
It_Ancestor_Stone_04 The ancestor stone of Baldar
It_Ancestor_Stone_05 The ancestor stone of Angir
It_Ancestor_Stone_06 The ancestor stone of Berek
It_Artefact_Abbas Cup of the water dealers
It_Artefact_Crown Adanos crown
It_Artefact_GeldernShadowBeastRuin Schattenzepter
It_Artefact_Helmet_Geldern Helmet of the first Paladins
It_Artefact_Robe Adanos' robe
It_Basir_GoldChest It belongs to Basir
It_Black_Stonepiece Black fragment
It_Chalice_Beliar Asams bowl
It_Chest_Good Casket
It_Chest_Normal Casket
It_Cup_Gold Gold cup
It_Cup_Gold_KapDun Golden cup
It_Cup_Gold_MoraSul Soul cup
It_Cup_Horn Drinking horn
It_Cup_Silver Silver cup
It_Cup_Silver_KapDun Silver cup
It_Ejnar_Helm Helmet
It_FiremageCup Fire cup
It_FiremageCup_Blessed Gesegneter fire cup
It_Fokus Focus stone
It_Gold Coin
It_GoldChalice_Lares Gold bowl
It_GoldNugget Gold-break into
It_GoldRing Decoration
It_Gold_Stack_01 Gold
It_Gold_Stack_02 Much gold
It_Gold_Stack_03 Treasure
It_Gold_Stonepiece Golden fragment
It_Gold_Stoneplate Golden stone board
It_Ilja_Artefact Iljas artifact
It_Kamak_Artefact Kamaks artifact
It_Necklace Decoration
It_Nefarius_Spell Strange stone
It_Ore Ore
It_Scepter Zepter of Varant
It_Thorald_Armor Thoralds armament
Documents List
First like further above described the console activate. There one can let appear with the following instructions articles (spawn) and/or in the inventory to place (INSERTs) as well as Föhigkeiten erlenen (teach). The correct instructions read:
Command Meaning
spawn xyz Article xyz to appear leave (see list)
INSERT xyz Article xyz in the inventory place (see list)
teach xyz Ability xyz learn (see list)
Command Meaning
It_Ashton_GoldList Ashtons golden one list
It_Aidan_Book Aidans book
It_AlShedim_Priest_01 Stone board of the priests
It_AlShedim_Wise_01 Scroll of the scholars
It_Bernado_Letter Bernados letter
It_Black_Stoneplate Black stone board
It_Bradley_SlaveList Bradley's slave list
It_Book Book
It_Book_01 Book
It_Book_ALC_01 Bases of the Alchemie
It_Book_INT_01 Old book
More Cheats
Around the Cheatmodus to more active must be entered on the play surface marvin. Afterwards mode appears activated in red writing marvin. Enter to the play surface around the mode again to switch off simply marvin. In the Marvinmode some new keys stand for order and over the ^-key can the console be called. Zurzeit is still revision needy this list. Only one part of the codes is tested and translated.
Cheat Key Effect
F6 Accelerated/the play time brakes
F7 OnPlayerToggleSloMo
NUM 7 OnIncEnclaveTheftCount
NUM 8 OnIncEnclaveMurderCount
NUM 9 OnIncPoliticalCrimeCount
F12 Quit Application
LEFT CTRL+S Toggle global Stats
LEFT CTRL+M Toggle MEMORY Statistics
RIGHT CTRL+M MEMORY Statistics Snapshot
F1 Make Snapshot
F2 Toggle Fullscreen
F3 Toggle RenderMode
LEFT CTRL+NUM 1 Toggle AvS solvent
LEFT CTRL+NUM 2 Toggle AvS Object Overdraw
LEFT CTRL+NUM 3 Toggle AvS pixel Overdraw
LEFT CTRL+NUM 4 Toggle performance solvent
LEFT CTRL+NUM 5 Toggle performance Object Overdraw
LEFT CTRL+NUM 6 Toggle performance pixel Overdraw
LEFT CTRL+O Toggle Object Overdraw
LEFT CTRL+P Toggle pixel Overdraw
LEFT CTRL+C Toggle Color Mapping
LEFT CTRL+U Toggle solvent plus Wireframe
LEFT CTRL+G View Gamekeys
LEFT CTRL+R Toggle Rays
LEFT CTRL+F4 Game traces
LEFT CTRL+Q Collision Shapes
LEFT CTRL+F Control focus
LEFT CTRL+W Watch focus
LEFT CTRL+SPACE Toggle editor
F8 RESET Player
LEFT CTRL+V Toggle vegetation
LEFT CTRL+E Cycle post office processing
LEFT CTRL+I Cycle Lightningmodes
LEFT CTRL+L Cycle Moving Light
SHIFT+S Toggle SpeedTree
LEFT CTRL+B Toggle Bounding Boxes
LEFT CTRL+K Beam Player forward
LEFT CTRL+H Goto initial position
LEFT CTRL+A Toggle AI Debug
LEFT CTRL+R Profiles universe
LEFT CTRL+N View navigation
LEFT CTRL+N+P Navigation traces
LEFT CTRL+N+M RESET navigation
LEFT CTRL+0 Mill animation Mixing
Even MORE Cheats
Command Effect
audio.fAmbientVolume set the volume ambient
audio.fEffectVolume set the volume effect
audio.fMasterVolume set the masters volume
audio.fMusicVolume set the music volume
audio.fVoiceVolume set the voice volume
camera.fAziSpeedScale scales the azimuth fishes velocity around target (default: 1.0f)
camera.fElevSpeedScale scales the elevation fishes velocity around target (default: 1.0f)
camera.fFieldOfView toggles the camera's field OF view (default: 90)
more camera.fMaxDistToPlayer set the maximum clamped distance ton the more player
camera.fMoveSpeed set the speed OF the free movement camera (default: 300.0f)
camera.fMoveSpeedAccel set the speed movement modificator if pressed [SHIFT] (default: 3.0f)
camera.fMoveSpeedDeccel set the speed movement modificator if pressed [CTRL] (default: 0.5f)
camera.fRelaxCamera set the camera pos relax factor
camera.fRelaxDist set the camera dist relax factor
camera.fRelaxFOV set the camera fov relax factor
more camera.fRelaxPlayer set the of player pos relax factor
camera.fRelaxXAxis set the camera x axis relax factor
camera.fRelaxYAxis set the camera y axis relax factor
camera.SetMode set the camera mode current
camera.ShowPosition shows the current position OF the camera
camera.ToggleModeChange enables or disables the fashion CHANGE OF the camera
caps.EntityProcessingRangeSphere CHANGE the EnterProcessing rank, more greater than the processing rank must
caps.EntityROI CHANGE the processing rank, more smaller than the EnterProcessingRange must
caps.FarClippingPlane CHANGEs far clipping plan
caps.FarClippingPlaneLowPoly CHANGEs far clipping plan for lowpoly mesh
caps.GlobalVisualLoDFactor Global property for visual mesh lodding: 1.0f = default VALUE > 1,0 use only for high end system, < to 1,0 for more slower machines
caps.RenderDebug toggles rendering OF entity debug information
caps.ScreenObjectDistanceCulling Simple distance screen metric object distance culling used. Culls all objects more under threshold
compile navigation (RH) of compiles the navigation scene!
console.font defines the font OF the outputs window
console.dimy defines the y height OF the CONSOLE in pixel (default 250)
console.dimx defines the x width OF the CONSOLE in pixel (default: more renderer width)
console.posy defines the y pos OF the CONSOLE in pixel (default 0)
console.posx defines the x pos OF the CONSOLE in pixel (default: 0)
CONSOLE filter level defines the spy filters level (default 5)
CONSOLE output LINEs defines the NUMBERs OF buffered output LINEs into the CONSOLE (default: 5000)
colorscheme choose NEXT color scheme
control controls the given entity or the focus/editor entity if NO name given (assigned tons of keys: LEFT CTRL+F)
DebugShowDiffMem shows MEMORY diff outputs in zspy and traceview
DebugShowMem shows MEMORY output in zspy and traceview
DisablePrefetcher Disables more prefetcher
dispose disposes items from the inventory
dViewGameKeys () Print all active gamekeys and debug actions on screen (assigned tons of keys: LEFT CTRL+G)
edit edits the current entity
EnablePrefetcher Enable more prefetcher
focus.ShowTA () toggles the focus ai debug mode (assigned tons of keys: LEFT CTRL+A)
game.bTestMode toggles the test mode on or off, 0: off, 1: on (default: 1)
game. Chat () start at IRC chat session
game.ForceCrash guess what!
game.ForceFloatException causes A floating POINT exception!
game.SetTime Set the World Time
game.ShowVersion prints out the current game version
game.WatchFPS open A statistic control with fps outputs
give places to instance OF the given item into the player's inventory
goto beams player and camera to the given entity
more gotocamer beams player to camera position (assigned tons of keys: LEFT CTRL+PAGE UP)
illumination.CycleLightningModes cycles through all lightning mode (assigned tons of keys: LEFT CTRL+I)
illumination.CycleMovingLight cycles through all moving light modes (assigned tons of keys: LEFT CTRL+L)
illumination.SetPixelHemispherePixelLightning set the lightning ton of pixels hemisphere fashion
illumination.SetSimpleLightning set the lightning ton simple fashion
illumination. SetVertexHemispherePixelLightning set the lightning ton vertex hemisphere fashion
illumination. SetVertexHemisphereVertexLightning set the lightning ton vertex hemisphere fashion
invisibility something you should emergency use!
kill something you should emergency use!
music.bEnableAutoUpdate enables or disables AUTOMATIC update
music.bEnableTriggers enables or disables accepting trigger
music.sDayTime set the daytime
mash IC location set the location
mash IC situation set the situation
PhysicFPS step the physicscene RK [n] fps
physics.dToggleActorAxes Toggles the visualization OF the axes OF the physic actors
physics.dToggleBodyAxes Toggles the visualization OF the axes OF the bodies OF the physic actors
physics.dToggleContactForce Toggles the visualization OF the contact forces acting on the bodies OF the physic actors
play ani syntax: play ani [a1] [a2] [ib] [name] plays the ani [a1] tons [of a2] with optionally blending [ib]
player.fForwardSpeedMax set the maximum forward speed OF the more player in m/sec (default: 300.0)
player.GotoStartPosition () beams the of player ton the starting POINT (assigned tons of keys: LEFT CTRL+H)
spawn spawns to instance OF the given entity name
trigger trigger the given entity or the focus/editor entity if NO name given
version print the engines version
quit CLOSE the application's window
history print the history OF duck-talk COMMANDs
help print A help LINE for each COMMANDs
physics.dToggleBodyMassAxes Toggles the visualization OF the measure axes OF the bodies OF the physic actors
physics.dToggleRays Shows ray debug LINEs (assigned tons of keys: LEFT CTRL+R)
physics.dToggleStatistics Shows some physics debug outputs
Remote debugger start A remote debugging session on the target machine [local host], if emergency-hung duck-talk
show position display the current camera position
spy.AddComment ADD A COMMENT LINE into the spy
stats.dToggleGlobal () Toggles global scene debug outputs (assigned tons of keys: LEFT CTRL+S)
teach teaches the specified spell (s) and/or skill (s)
timer.fTimeScale set the time scale VALUE (default: 1.0)
toggle memdebug test the MEMORY for corruptions (SLOW!)
more untrigger untriggers the given entity or the focus/editor entity if NO name given
view.dShowLabels () visualizes all relevantly label psets
view.dShowLights () visualizes all relevantly light psets
view.dShowNavigation () visualizes all relevantly navigation psets (assigned tons of keys: LEFT CTRL+N)
watch controls the given entity or the focus/editor entity if NO name given (assigned tons of keys: LEFT CTRL+W)
more world.ToggleFolder enables or disables the given second gate folder
world.ToggleSector enables or disables the given sector
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